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 The Comparative Study of Lexical Tone Sandhi of Taishan Dialect    


 台山方言 ; 词汇变调 ; 形态变调 ; 比较研究    


 Taishan dialect;lexical tone sandhi;morphological tone sandhi;comparative study of tone sandhi    













Taishan is located in the southwest of the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province. Its dialect belongs to Siyi dialect of Yue dialect. There are many lexical tone sandhi phenomena of Taishan dialect. The purpose of this study is to clarify the types of lexical tone sandhi in Taishan dialect and find out differences within the region. Moreover, this study try to explore the historical levels of different tone sandhi.

This article is divided into seven parts.

The first part is the introduction. This part briefly introduces the history of Taishan, the dialect division, the related research of tone sandhi in Yue dialect, and finally describe the purpose and significance of this study.

The second part is about the phonological system and characteristics of Sanhe, Doushan, Duanfen and Xiachuan. This chapter describes the phonological features of Sanhe, Doushan, Duanfen and Xiachuan in detail, and points out the phonological characteristics of the four places through comparative analysis.

The third part introduces the low falling changed tone in Sanhe, Doushan and Duanfen. Its phonetic expression is low-falling-pitched, which originates from píng-shēng tone平声调, qù-shēng tone去声调, and rù-shēng tone入声调.  It basically has the characteristics of distinguishing the part of speech from the meaning of words, and is a noun marker. There is little intergenerational difference, but it has the tendency that the low falling changed tone of the younger generation has faded.

The fourth part introduces the high-rising-changed tone in Sanhe, Doushan and Duanfen. Its phonetic manifestation is a slightly tortuous high-rise tone, which originates from píng-shēng tone平声调, yáng-shǎng tone阳上调, qù-shēng tone去声调, and rù-shēng tone入声调. The semantic characteristics of high-rising-changed tone are basically consistent with that of low-falling tone, but there are differences between high-rising-changed tone and low-falling-changed tone, and the grammatical function of low-rise tone is reduced. The form of expression is overlapping tone. This overlapping tone sandhi expression exists in both old and young people.

The fifth part introduces the high-falling-changed tone of Xiachuan. Its phonetic form is from high tone to low tone, which originates from píng-shēng tone平声调, yáng-shǎng tone阳上调, yáng-qù tone阳去调, and rù-shēng tone入声调. The high-falling-changed tone only exists in Xiachuan Dialect, and it is partly related to the high-rising-changed tone. Its semantic characteristics are similar to those of high-rising-changed tone , and there is a little difference between generations.

The sixth part introduces high-level-changed tone in Taishan dialect. Its pronunciation form is high-pitched, borrowing the tone of foreign words directly. This tone sandhi is the common tone sandhi type in the four places. It is presumed that this tone sandhi is the product of the influence of Guangzhou dialect. Its role as a distinction between loanwords and native words, there is little difference between regions.

The last part is the conclusion. Through the summary of the above chapters, we can see that there are low-falling-changed tone and high-rising-changed tone in Sanhe, Doushan and Duanfen of the land part, while there are high-falling-changed tone in Xiachuan island. There are two types of tone sandhi in vocabulary, one is morphological tone sandhi to achieve grammatical function, the other is habitual tone sandhi as a sign of colloquialism. Although Xiachuan's tone sandhi is different from Sanhe, Doushan and Duanfen in form, its essence is the same. On the historical level, the low-faling-changed tone should appear before the high-rising-changed tone. One of the evidences is that the Xiachuan's tone sandhi only corresponds to the high-rising-changed tone. The special high-falling-changed tone of Xiachuan should be produced shortly after the rise of high-rising-changed tone, which is parallel to the low-falling-changed tone and high-rising-changed tone of the land. The recent emergence is high-level-changed tone

绪论 1
第一节 台山的地理、历史沿革、方言分布情况 1
一、台山地理概况 1
二、台山历史沿革 2
三、台山方言分布情况 3
第二节 台山方言变调研究综述 4
一、粤方言变调研究概述 5
二、台山方言变调研究概述 7
第三节 本文的研究目的、意义与调查方法 9
一、研究意义与目的 9
二、调查方法 10
第一章 台山方言四片区方言点音系 14
第一节 三合、斗山、端芬音系与特点 14
一、三合音系 14
二、三合、斗山、端芬语音比较 16
第二节 下川音系与特点 19
一、下川音系 19
二、下川音系的特点 21
第三节 小结 25
第二章 三合、斗山、端芬三地低降变调比较 27
第一节 三合、斗山、端芬低降变调的语音形式比较 27
第二节 三合、斗山、端芬低降变调的语义特点比较 28
一 、三地低降变调词性区别功能的异同 28
二、 三地低降变调词义区别功能的异同 29
三、 三地低降变调的习惯性变调 32
第三节 三合、斗山、端芬低降变调的位置分布比较 34
一、分布在词首的低降变调 34
二、分布在词尾的低降变调 35
三、同时分布在词首与词尾的情况 36
第四节 三合、斗山、端芬三地低降变调的代际差异 37
一、三地低降变调语义特点的代际差异 37
二、三地低降变调位置特点的代际差异 39
第五节 小结 39
第三章 三合、斗山、端芬三地高升变调比较 41
第一节 三合、斗山、端芬高升变调的语音形式比较 41
第二节 三合、斗山、端芬高升变调的语义特点比较 43
一 、三地高升变调词性区别功能的异同 44
二、 三地高升变调词义区别功能的异同 45
三、高升变调的习惯性变调 47
第三节 三合、斗山、端芬三地高升变调的代际差异 49
第四节 小结 52
第四章 三合、下川两地高降变调比较 54
第一节 下川高降变调的语音形式 54
第二节 下川点与三合点低降变调与高升变调条目对比 55
一、下川点与三合点低降变调条目的对比 55
二、下川点与三合点高升变调条目的对比 56
第三节 下川高降变调的语义特点 57
一、高降变调表词性区别 57
二、高降变调表词义区别 57
三、高降变调表程度减少 58
四、高降变调的习惯性变调 58
第四节 高降变调的语义特点的代际差异 59
第五节 小结 60
第五章 三合、斗山、端芬、下川四地高平变调比较 61
结语 63
参考文献 65
附 录 69
附录一:斗山端芬音系 69
一、斗山音系 69
二、端芬音系 71
附录二:四地词表 74
一、三合词表 74
二、斗山词表 106
三、端芬词表 138
四、下川词表 170
后记 204









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