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 澳门在学青少年 ; 偏差行为 ; 状况 ; 分析 ; 防治    


澳门在学青少年偏差行为的状况,正在受到社含各界有识之士的关注。这是关系到澳门进入后过度期以俊,能否实现一国两制、澳人治澳伟大构想的一个重要问题。澳门在学青少年偏差行为状况严重,有其社会学、教育学以及心理学上的原因。 长期的殖民统治,黄、赌、毒的泛溢,大众传媒及资讯负面影响的失控,家庭结构、职能、关系的燮化;由于历史原因,肩复著主流责任的私校的教育资源不足、教师素质未符理想、班极规模不构合理、课程没有统一标准,致使推行德育困难重重,学生思想道德素质和心理健康素质的培养与发展受阻;而学生在社会化过程中的矛盾、逆反、好奇、享乐、侥幸、报复、自卑、离心等心理,得不到正榷和足够的指引,行为自然容易出现偏差。防治在学青少年偏差行为,是政府、家长、各界社会人士和教育工作者的共同责任。本文桔合澳门实际,提出了五大对策。一是更新教育观念,建立德育网络,家庭、社会、学校形成合力,以便舆各种遵致青少年产生偏差行为的诱因相抗衡。二是加强政府监管职能,整顿社会歪风,尤其要加强立法、执法,对社会上毒害青少年的不法分子及公务员中的害群之马绳之于法。三是加强学校德育,提高教育实效,包括订定明确的德育目标和德育内容,开辟第二裸堂,拓展课外活动,加强学校管理,优化德育环境,严格行为训练等,这是五大对策之重点。四是全面开展辅导工作,提高学生免疫能力,其中有十涸项目的辅导工作应优先考虑。五是逐步实施家长教育,发挥家庭德育功能。在澳门,家是教育是一个新概念,强化家庭的德育功能是一个新裸题。随著历史光辉时刻----九九即将来临,澳门在学青少年必须在品德上有良好的根基,才能肩负起未来澳人治澳之重任。


This thesis is mainly concerned with the fact that the misbehavior of the juvenile students in Macau has become a matter of publie coneern at this later stage of its transition period.In order to accomplish the ideal concept of'One Country Two Policies,and'Macau Autonomy',the quality of the youngsters-our future social builders-is a decisive problem.From'The Fall Of Morality Among The Youngsters Of Macau,,it is known that the conduct of our youngsters needs improvement.This situation has been due to various factors related to Socialogy,Education and Psychology.Concerning Socialogy,the most outstanding factor is associated with Macau's subjection to colonial rule and its dependence on the gainbling business for prosperity.On the other hand,family education and school education are seParate factors to be taken into consideration.The financial development of Macau has brought changes to the structure and function of the family as well as the relationship among its members,thus raising doubt about the effectiveness of family education.Owing to historieal factors and the fact that private Schools are given the mainstream responsibility,moral training,which is suPposed to play a leading role in school,is being hindered by such problems as the inadequacy of resours,the unsatisfactory qualifieations of teachers, the inappropriate size of classed and the disagreement in curriculum-planning.The student,who are brought uP in a society with a strong colonialism,are psychologically susceptible to the influences of their living environment.In view of these iniernal and external factors,the misbehavior of the Macau juveniles is understandable.Therefore,the governrnent,parents and educationists should try their best to improve the situation before it starts deteriorating.In the last part of the thesis,the writer,considering the actual condition of Maeau,suggests five solutions to the problem,and they are as follows:1 .Renew the concePt of education and establish a moral link.The society of Macau is a peculiar one with a lot of temptation,to which there cannot be sufficient resistance unless society,the school and the parents form a moral link among themselves 2 .Strngthen governmnent control to ensure social security.Because of limited power over bad social influences,public order is threatened,and the'mass media,has even referred to Maeau's social order as being'out of control'.Therefore,we can only depend on the establishment and execution of stricter laws for better social discipline.In addition,the 'black sheep'among the civil servants should be prosecuted.3 .Make moral education more effective by putting greater stress on it at school.In fact,this is the most important of the five solutions.To achieve this purpose,a steady team of ighly-qualified teachers is a significant requirement. However,when private schools are stilltaklng the lead,how to carry out effective moral edueation despite inadequate resources is a very important consideration.4 .Carry out the work of counselling thoroughly to increase the students'invincibility.The traditional work of moral training is effective to a certain extent,but counselling can cater for smaller and more individual needs.The work of counselling is still at the initial stage in Macau.To provide sufficient counselling service for more than eighty thousand students,a lot of resources are exPected of the government.In view of the present condition of Macau,counselling should take priority for attention.5 .Put parental education into practice gradually so as to achieve moral training at home.In Macau,parenial education is a new concept.How to iniensify moral training at home through parental education is an important subject among the Macau educationists and parents.Faced With the glorious moment of history--the approach of Macau's handover in 1999,the juvenile students of Macau should equip themselves morally so that they will be able to shoulder the significant responsibility of bringing Macau's autonomy into reality.










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