题名: | 试论归有光在散文史上的地位 |
姓名: | |
论文语种: | chi |
学科代码: | 050105 |
门类名称: | 文学 |
一级学科名称: | 文学 |
专业名称: | |
培养层次: | 硕士 |
作者国别: | 中国 |
学位授予单位: | 华南师范大学 |
院系: | |
第一导师姓名: | |
第一导师单位: | |
论文提交日期: | 2002-06-08 |
论文答辩日期: | 2002-06-08 |
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论文摘要: |
归有光长期以来被视为唐宋派中以创作成就见长而无甚理论建树的作家,但本文通过对其作品的深入分析得出结论:归有光不但对于散文创作有着自己独到的见解,且形成了一定的理论体系;而他与唐宋派王慎中、唐顺之、茅坤等人,在政治态度、思想成分、文学理论及创作实践等各个方面,都有着较大的甚至是本质性的差异,学术界长期将归有光视为唐宋派成员的看法尚有值得商榷之处。归有光将“道”的范畴拓展到了万事万物、人情之常中,并将伦理道德由外在的教条转化为内在的情感需求,这种认识上的突破使得他的创作具有了寓理于情、感情真挚、形神兼备、言简意长等特点,这些理论与创作实践对后世的文人及文学流派如晚明小品文与桐城派等都产生了深刻的影响,从而奠定了其在文学史上的重要地位。(一)归有光的文学理论与创作成就:文学理论上,归有光将心学中“万事万物都渗透着天理”的思想引入传统古文体制中来,为散文的生活化开辟了新道路;而对情的描写,在坚持认为应受道的统领的同时,大胆抒发与描写真情,在枯燥的道德说教背后发掘了人性之美。在此基础上,为适应散文传情达意、维护主体个性的需要,他对散文的“神”、“真”、“简”等审美特质都加以了大力提倡并形成了一定的理论体系。在创作中,与其文学理论相适应,归有光将对家庭琐事、人情之常的描写引入原本用以载道的散文中来,对于情的重视不但体现在描写亲情、友情、夫妻之情的作品数量之多上,更体现在时间的一贯性上:从青年时期至步入老年,他都将抒发真情作为其散文创作的重点。(二)与唐宋派诸人关系辨异: 在政治态度上,归有光虽很晚才直接进入仕途,但一直多与正直文人交游,虽与王世贞起过争执,但却为其被严篙迫害致死的父亲写了《思质王公诔》;而唐顺之等人则一直与严篙集团过从甚密。思想方面,归有光在接受了心学一些积极因素的同时,仍然坚持崇奉程朱;唐宋派其他人则多受心学影响,唐顺之被《明儒学案》列入南中王门,晚年几乎完全转向心学。在复古与反复古之争以及师法对象方面,归有光也较为通达。归有光将秦汉、唐宋文兼收并蓄,在学习司马迁时,主要是学习他见微知著、秉笔直书的文风以及生动传神的描绘等与文学本身紧密相关的东西;而唐宋派则主要强调由通俗浅显的唐宋文入手来学习古文,茅坤也对《史记》推崇备至,但他主要从结构布局、文法、风神等方面入手来评论史记。对于“法度”及文以载道的过分重视,使得唐宋派的创作有理论与实践相脱节的现象。(三)影响与流变: 归有光对晚明小品及主情文学产生的影响:他在思想及创作上的一些新变因素,由于历史及文学发展的必然趋势,而对晚明小品文及主情主义思潮产生了一定的启迪作用。他对僵硬拟古的反对,对真情的重视,委婉曲折的笔法,被一部分晚明文人学习并继续发扬。语言的浅显流畅、篇幅的日趋短小,更好地适应了传情达意的需要,也反映了传统散文内部在发生分化与转向的趋势。应该说,归有光对晚明小品的影响主要是由于文学本身发展的内在规律性而产生的一种预示、暗合与呼应。对清朝文学产生的影响,尤其是对桐城派的影响,则主要体现在:首先,他对“道”的理解启迪了桐城派将外在的伦理道德进一步情感化,在文学创作中也注重描写真情。而归有光对散文语言的锻炼则启迪桐城派进一步将散文语言与其它文体语言区别开来,提出了“雅洁”之说。他对“神”、“真’、“简”等审美特质的重视也在桐城派处得到了进一步的理论阐释。
外文摘要: |
It has been a longt time that Gui You-guang was regarded as a writer who was good at writing but has littIe achievement in theory among the Tang-song school. Conclusion to the in-depth analysis of Gui's works of pass: Gui not only created one's own original opinion to the prose, and has formed certain theoretical system; He has very different opinions with other Tang-song Groups such as on political attitude, thought composition, literature theory and practice of writing. Academia's regarding Gui You- guang as a member of
Tang- Song Group should be doubted. Gui regarded that" Tao" will often be expanded to everything, such as human feelings, Inherent emontion needs and turn from extrnal dogma into the ethics. The break-through of understanding have make creation of his attention on feeling, emotiotional sicerity, These theory and practice of literature have deep influence in later age prose such as Tongcheng school. Thus he established his important position in literature history.(1 ) Gui You- guang's literature theory and creating achievement:In theory of Literature in theory, Gui introduce the thought" the truth of everything" to ancient essay. And he opened up the new road for the attention of life in the prose; And to the description of the feeling, he insisted the commander of Tao, expressed and described the true feelings boldly, Expiring the beauty of the human nature behind underesting ethicai preach. On the basis of this, in order to meet the
need that the prose conveys feeling and ideas, he maintained the individual character of the subject. He emphasized" spirit"," sincere" and "simple" in prose and formed some sorts of theoretical system.
In addition, suiting his literature theory, Gui introduced house hold affairs, described human feeling, The attention to the feeling not only reflects in deschbing the amount of quantity of works of the feelings of the kindness, friendship, couple, Reflect it on the consistency of tim6 even more: from the young period to old age, he remained regarding prose express of the true feeling.(2) the difference between Gui and Tang-Song Group On the political attitude, he begun politicaI career very late, but he has been making friends with the honest scholar all the time.Although disputing with Wang Shi-zhen, he wrote" mourning for father Wang" for his father's being persecuted to death by Yan Song.While Yan shun-zhi have been in close association with Yan Song group all the time. Regarding the Thought, Gui absorbed some positive fsctors from heart-school., and the same time, he insisted on worshipping of Cheung-Zhu School. Others from Tang-Song school learned much more from Heart School. Tang Shun-zhi was listed by south Wang door to " bright Confucianism case". He turned to the heart school totally in old age. In restore ancient ways and repeated ancient battle, Gui was open-minded comparatively too. Gui incorporsted things of diverse nature of Qin, Han, Tang, Song dynasty essays. At the time of studying Si Maqian, Gui mainly studied the
writing style that he sees what is coming from one small clue, writing the truth without fear or favor and caught the spirit vividly described etc. while Tang-Song schooI emphasized to start with and study the ancient Chinese prose by popular pIain mainly. Mao kun regard "The history " as wonderful work, but he study it mainly from structure,overall arrangement, syntax, and style, etc. Paying too much attention to
"law" and "Tao" AS to "law", the essays of Tang- song sehool's theory was divorced from practice.
(3) influence and theology The influence of Gui's essay to Ming Dynasty essay and feeling-focus literature: He turned into the factor newly in the thought and some on the creation. With the inexorable trend because of history and literature development, he produced certain inspiration function on the late Ming feuilleton and feeling-focus doctrine ideoIogical trend. His opponent to stiff Simple Copy Ancient School, attention of true feeling, the mild and roundabout and winding technique of writing, was studied and continued to be developing by late Ming scholar. The piain smoothness of the language, space are becoming short and small, meet the need of conveying feeling and ideas better, it can be stated that Gui's essay Have reflected the trend of splitting up and turning to within the traditional prose too. it is mainly a kind of indication
that was produced because of inherent regularity of development of literature.
论文总页数: | 36 |
参考文献总数: | 0 |
资源类型: | 学位论文 |
开放日期: | 2008-12-31 |